SEP 18, 2014@07:45 WIB | 1,377 Views
Hari Minggu lalu (14/9) PT. Arya Motor Indonesia (AMI) resmi menghadirkan 3 merek Indian Motorcycle. Ketiga nya ialah Indian Chief Classic, Chief Vintage, dan Chieftain. Polaris Industries Inc, selaku produsen Indian Motorcycle rupanya tak sekedar memboyong utuh tiga model tersebut seperti di negara asalnya Amerika tapi justru menghadirkannya dalam spek Eropa.
"so actually the Indonesian market is getting the what we called the International spec. So...this are the same bike that we export to Europe because in Indonesia you have the regulation is Euro 3 so we have some bike that we make for the US market and then all the Euro country outside the US we use the Euro 3 satisfication" ujar Maxime Vandereyken, Asia Distribution Manager Polaris Industries.
Maxime mengungkapkan jika perbedaan Indian Motorcycle dengan Euro spek tersebut sudah disesuaikan dengan regulasi di tanah air. Beberapa perbedaan antara Indian Motorcycle di Amerika dengan versi Eropa yang diboyong ke Indonesia termasuk lampu motor, rem, tinggi motor, hingga raungan suara knalpot.
" Almost the same bike, it's just that some time the lighting will be different, the brakes, i don't know some times it's little bit lower, the noise level for the Euro 3 is very tight you can not be over 93 db" terang Maxime.[mot/timBX]