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Calvin Harris Remix Lagu The Killers" When You Were Young"

OCT 27, 2013@14:03 WIB | 720 Views

The Killers melanjutkankarirmusikmerekadankaliinimerekaakanmengesankanpenggemarnyadengan album kompilasi Direct yang akandiluncurkantanggal 11 November nanti. Bersama Island Records, band iniakanmemberikan hits-hits favoritparapendengarjugadualagubaru  yatiu Shot at the Night dan When You Were Young versi remix dari DJ Calvin Harris.

"It was a real honor to be asked to remix one of my favorite modern bands, and it was an exciting challenge for me to update this classic track for the dancefloor in a tasteful and respectful way," kata Calvin Harris.

Di tangan Calvin, lagubergenre Rock Ballad yang diambildari album Sam Town ituakandirubahmenjadiversi dance yang penuhdengansynth Spin dan Beat yang menghentak. Initentuakanterdengarbaikkarenakaraktervokaldari Brandon Flowers jugasangatkuatuntukaliranmusikEDM. [iam/timBX]

Tags :

The Killers
Calvin Harris
Whe You Were Young