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Taylor Swift Boyong Empat Penghargaan American Music Awards 2013

NOV 26, 2013@10:03 WIB | 861 Views

Taylor Swift membawapulang paling banyakpenghargaandiacara American Music Awards yang digelarkemarinmalamdi Los Angeles Amerika. Iaberhasilmembawapulangempatkemenangantermasukdiantaranyaadalahpenghargaanutama Artist of The Year yang menjadikaliketiganyasecaraberturut-turutiamembawapulangpialaberbentukprismatersebut. Tigapenghargaan lain yaitu Female Pop/Rock Artist, Female Country Artist dan Country Album untuk album "Red"-nyaditahun 2012. Iamengalahkannominasi lain seperti Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, Mackelmoredan Ryan Lewis.

"This validates that if you voted for this, that we are heartbroken in the same way and we fall in love the same way and we're happy in the same way, and if you listen to this, we're on the same page ... we're pretty much in it together," kata Taylor disela-selapidato.

Selain Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake jugamenjadisorotanditahuninisetelahkembalikeataspanggungdengan album terbarusetelahvakumselama lima tahun. Iamendapatpenghargaan Pop/Rock Male Artist tahunini. Begitupuladenganpendatangbaru yang memilikitalentaluarbiasa, Ariana Grande yang mendapatbanyakpujiandanberhasilmembawapulangpenghargaanuntuk New Artist of The Year.

Berikut adalah nama-nama pemenang penghargaan di American Music Awards 2013.[iam/timBX]

Artist of the year: Taylor Swift

New artist of the year: Ariana Grande

Single of the year: Cruise, Florida Georgia Line featuring Nelly

Pop/rock female artist: Taylor Swift

Pop/rock male artist: Justin Timberlake

Pop/rock band, duo or group: One Direction

Pop/rock album: Take Me Home, One Direction

Country female artist: Taylor Swift

Country male artist: Luke Bryan

Country band, duo or group: Lady Antebellum

Country album: Red, Taylor Swift

Rap/hip-hop artist: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Rap/hip-hop album: The Heist, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Soul/R&B female artist: Rihanna

Soul/R&B male artist: Justin Timberlake

Soul/R&B album: The 20/20 Experience, Justin Timberlake

Alternative rock artist: Imagine Dragons

Latin artist: Marc Anthony

Adult Contemporary: Maroon 5

Electronic dance music artist: Avicii

Tags :

Taylor Swift
American Music Awards
American Music Awards 2013
Artist of The Year
Female Pop/Rock Artist
Female Country Artist
Country Album
Justin Timberlake
Bruno Mars
Ryan Lewis.