NOV 04, 2012@08:31 WIB | 787 Views
Film Mega Blockbuster tahuniniyaitu The Avengers berhasilmendapatkanpenghargaandiajang the Hollywood Post Alliance (HPA) Awards 2012. Acara yang diselenggarakanbelum lama inidiSkirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles jugamenyampaikanhadiahuntuk film tahun 2011 yang menerimakritikdanjuganominasioscar.
The Avengers berhasilmemenangkanpenghargaan Outstanding Compositing, sedangkanuntuk film "The Iron Lady", "Hugo" dan "The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn" masing-masingberhasilmemenangkanpenghargaan the Outstanding Color Grading prize, the Outstanding Editing dan Outstanding Sound awards respectively.
Selainmemberikanpenghargaankepada film, acaraHPA Awards 2012 jugamemberikanpenghargaanuntukbeberapa serial TV seperti "Game of Thrones" yang berhasilmemenangkan the Outstanding Color Grading trophy, selain Game Of Thrones adajugabeberapa serial TV yang berhasilmendapatkanpenghargaaniniseperti "Downton Abbey", "Grimm" dan "NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service". [Jok/timBX]
Berikut daftar lengkap pemenang HPA Awards 2012
- Outstanding Color Grading - Feature Film: "The Iron Lady"
- Outstanding Color Grading - Television: "Game of Thrones" - "The Prince of Winterfell"
- Outstanding Color Grading - Commercial: Chrysler "Halftime in America"
- Outstanding Editing - Feature Film: "Hugo"
- Outstanding Editing - Television: "Downton Abbey" - Series 2 Episode 7
- Outstanding Editing - Commercial: MasterCard "Tango"
- Outstanding Sound - Feature Film: "The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn"
- Outstanding Sound - Television: "Grimm" - Pilot
- Outstanding Sound - Commercial: Nissan Leaf "Gas Powered Everything"
- Outstanding Compositing - Feature Film: "The Avengers"
- Outstanding Compositing - Television: "NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" - "Rekindled"
- Outstanding Compositing - Commercial: Chevy "2012 Silverado"
- Charles S. Swartz Award for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Post Production: Ray Dolby, Dolby Laboratories
- Engineering Excellence Award : Cinnafilm - Tachyon, Crossroads Systems - StrongBox, Dolby Laboratories - Dolby Atmos, Sony Electronics - F65 Camera
- HPA Judges Award for Creativity and Innovation in Post Production: Gradient Interactive - Sandbox