NOV 21, 2011@11:00 WIB | 880 Views
Dalamkeadaandaruratterkadangdiharuskanmenerimateleponsaatberkendarasepeda motor walaupunhaltersebutsangatmembahayakanpengendaratersebut, akantetapiuntukmencegahdanmeminimalkanresikoberkomunikasisaatberkendaraUClearHBC100 Bluetooth Helmet Communicator perangkay headset nirkabel yang khas yang mampuberkomunikasidengansuarajernih.UClearHBC100 Bluetooth Helmet Communicator samahalnyamenggunakanteknologidimiliterdapatberkomunikasiwalaupunkeadaanbising, memungkinkanuntukmembuatpanggilanponseldanaktifitasponsellainnya. Memilikidengandua Powerful Hi-Fidelity Speaker yang terpasangdenganbaikjikadiaplikasikandidalamhelmt, perangkatinihanyadibandrol 199.95 USD.[min/timBX]
Features :
- Boom-less Microphone with Active Noise Cancellation (effective to 147 mph)
- Powerful Hi-Fidelity Speakers (20-20,000 Hz)
- Stream and wirelessly control music using Bluetooth AVRCP
- Voice activation for hands free calling and pickup (if supported by your phone)
- Concealed microphones, does not require boom microphones
- Powerful speakers ensure clarity under noisy conditions
- Rider-to-Rider Intercom (requires second HB100) communications up to 10 meters (WT300wPTT accessory allows for long distance group communication)
- Rugged weather resistant design